36,2388$% 0.35
38,0197€% 0.32
45,6053£% 0.35
Visionary Art public display: http://visionaryartgallery.weebly.com/can-emed.html
Contact: canemed.surrealistartist@gmail.com
Born on 5 April 1981. His artworks mostly aimed on the canvas; is not simply overseer to lookers comfort, or not try to create the images that the exacly for heal the lookers feelings..
The real purpose on his art is to making everyone to understand the wild nature of “Homo Sapiens”.
To open the way of understanding our primitive nature that we hide within our intellect.
His artworks is exactly works like a device that works the same as the mirror.
A mirror that can reflect our wild nature directly back to us..
For centuries humanity try to conquer the lands, dominate the nature, try to converting the way of natural rivers. And also, as humanity we try to cancel the waves of riverfalls, and cutting forests out of lands, using the technology for mastermind the other creatures, using the technology for mastermind the climate and weather seasons.
And finally we use the technology to simulate the young-human generations as a “perfect-client”.
And theese applications that the humanity process, is not comes from love or empathy.
Theese process directly comes from our hidden wild nature that possessed by lust, fear, and egoism..
At all theese for.. Can Emed create the images and visions that can “shock” us, and can face-to-face to our wild nature.
• Metamorphosed forms like saw,
• Old metalic parts that feels like used to be a part of an old fabrics,
• Flying gothic forms, embryons that cloned together, empty vials,
• Cave entrances that looks like crocodile mouth, saw teeths,
• Humanioids that being erotical and mechanical metamorphosis (Erotomechanics),
• Chemical bulbs, and genetic mutations,
• Creatures that being biological and mechanic metamorphosis (Biomechanics),
• Metamorphosed Skulls, forms that being Biological and Grotesque metamorphosis (Biogrotesque),
• Bones and skulls that formed like as part as Gothic Structures..
With that kind of material he choose, the images creates the feelings that the materials comes from both Futuristic and Gothic styles, the visions that he choose to add them with the iconographic material that Can Emed choosed, the lookers start to feel like beeing an unsteady places, fearful places, places that feels general “grotesque” feelings, and brings to lookers minds over and over again..
With the effect and consonansity of the disstressfull feelings that he choosed to show in his art just from the beginning.
That can be easily said and exactly as; “the wild nature of the humanity that which escape from it from the beginning.”
(Can Emed)
Can Emed continues to make his artworks since 1997 with 20 years of experience internationally.
Special thanks to Otto Rapp, Jutta Venosa, Prof.Philip Rubinov-Jacobson and Santiago Ribeiro for continous support for Can Emed’s art vision.
“Surrealist and Fantastic-Realist Artist”
Visionary Art public display: http://vagallery.com/can-emed.html
Born on 5 April 1981, when he is 10 years old, in 1991, TEMA Foundation competition 1st Winner Prize.
2003 Yeditepe University Fine Arts Section, Graduated both from Graphic Design and Plastic Arts Departments.
YÜGSF End-of-Year Exhibition.
2001 TÜYAP, Art Criticers Competition 2nd Winner Prize.
2002 Hürriyet Newsweek “European Union and Turkey” writing competition 3rd Winner Prize.
2002 TSK DKK, 7.Traditional Sea Art Competition 1st Winner Prize.
Art-Ist 2002 Art Exhibition, Young Artists Competition 1st Winner Prize.
2003 Marmara University Fine Arts Section, Marmara Trienal Exhibition (Kibele İş-Sanat Art Gallery)
Year of 2003 International Arts Plastiques Foundation full membership UNESCO AIAP (UPSD)
Year of 2004 UPSD End-of-Year Exhibition (UPSD Art Gallery)
TEMA Foundation, Nature Exhibition (AKM Art Gallery Taksim/Istanbul.)
2005 1.International Turkey Graemeen Microcredit Art Bienal.
2005 TISVA Turkish Foundation of Waste Reduction Art Bienal.
2007 Midnight Fall Personal Exhibition. (Naval Sea Museum Art Gallery)
2007 Turkish Sürrealist and Fantastic Realist Artist Exhibition.
2010 Personal Retroespective Art Exhibition “Midnight Fall” (Adaevi Art Gallery – Büyükada/Princess Island-Istanbul)
12-30 April 2011, “Freedom” Joint-Exhibition; Beşiktaş/Etiler MKKM Gallery/Istanbul with his work;”The Radical Islamic Faschism Machine”
2011, Visionary Art Internationales membership.
6 August 2011, Can Emed – Exhibition; “The Time of Dawn and Dusk” (Adaevi Art Gallery – Büyükada/Princess Island-Istanbul)
10 June 2012, Can Emed – Retrospective exhibition: “The Time of Dawn and Dusk” (Adaevi Art Gallery – Buyukada/Princess Island-Istanbul)
22 June 2013, at HR Giger Museum’s HR Giger’s Private Collection with his work “Biomechanical Humanoid Tryptich” at Gruyeres, Switzerland.
23 May 2014, Turkish Fantastic Realist Artists Group Exhibition “Amak-I Hayal” at Park Art Istanbul Gallery in Kadıköy, Istanbul.
22 August 2014, Can Emed 5th Solo Exhibition, Çelik Gülersoy Art and Culture Center, Büyükada, Istanbul.
6 September 2014, “Visionaries” Seers of The Soul Exhibition, Behind The Blue Door Gallery, New York, USA
5 December 2014, Dream of Obscure Exhibition, Gallery Bohem, Nişantaşı, Istanbul.
Can Emed can be seen in: Dark Star – HR Giger’s World documentary movie, February 2015, Frenetic Films, directed by: Belinda Sallin.
“20 Years In Art” 7th Solo Exhibition of Can Emed. UNESCO – AIAP – a+A – UPSD Art Gallery, Maçka, Istanbul, 16 March 2015.
13 June 2015, “Turkish Contemporary Fantastic Realist Artists” Group Exhibition, Caddebostan, CKM, CKM Art Gallery, Istanbul.
“I am an Artist, so I am Exist” group exhibition, 23 October 2015, Nişart Gallery, Maçka, Istanbul.
10 August 2015, Can Emed Solo Exhibition, Büyükada, Çelik Gulersoy Art and Culture Center, Istanbul.
July 2016, Legacy of Light – Generations of Vision Exhibition in Castle Gloggnitz, Gloggnitz, Austria.
International Surrealism Now – 2017, Portugal, Coindeixa, Poros Multimedia Museum, August 2017.
International Surrealism Now – 23 December 2017, Portugal, Coindeixa, POROS Multimedia Museum.
International Surrealism Now – 17 November 2018, Coimbra, Museu Municipal de Coimbra, Portugal.
19 December 2018, Istanbulflaş 2018 Honorary Art Award.
26 January 2019, 13th Edition of International Surrealism Now, Municipal Gallery, Antonio Vitorino in Vieria de Leiria, City of Marinha Grande, Portugal.
24 April 2020, International Surrealism Now – 10th Anniversary Edition, Arts and Spectacules Center, Figueira Da Foz, Portugal.
22 August 2020, 75. Islander Artists Exhibition, Adalar Kültür Derneği, Çınar Meydanı, Büyükada, Istanbul.
11th Group Show of “International Surrealism Now” in Arts & Spectacules Center , Figuéira da Foz, Portugal, May 5 – July 11 2021.
Can Emed is also an Author on Delikasap Rock Magazine and Nouvart.
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