İstanbul doğumlu Ayşen Erte, ilk ve orta öğrenimi süresince piyano eğitimi aldı. İstanbul Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi Yüksek Dekoratif Sanatlar Grafik Bölümü’nden 1976’da mezun oldu. 1988 yılına kadar çeşitli reklam ajanslarında serbest grafikerlik, fotoğrafçılık yaptı. 1988’den itibaren çocuk kitapları tasarımı ve çizerliği yanı sıra özgün baskı ve resim çalışmalarına ağırlık verdi.1999 da uluslararası Bratislava Illustrasyon Biennal’ine ,2000 de uluslararası BWI. Otaru – Tokyo sergilerine seçildi. 2001’de Ayşen Erte “gravüResim”atölyesini kurdu. 28 kişisel sergi açtı. 85 grup, 154 karma sergiye katıldı. 11 mansiyon, yurt içi ve yurt dışında 65 sergilenme hakkı kazandı. Ju Qi Cup the 1. St. International Prints and Exl. Expo in Shanghai’da excellent prize aldı. Artur Mario da Mota Miranda’nın “Volume 17” Women Artists in the World of  Ex-libris “ve”International Contemporary Artists in the World of Exlibris” kitabında eserleri yayınlandı. Atölyesi sanatçıları ile 52 grup, 13 Anadolu sergisi, 58 yurt dışı yarışmalı sergilere eserleri seçilip ödüller aldılar, kataloglara girdiler. Aysen Erte” gravüResim” atölye grubu ile 34. FİSAE Finlandiya- Naantali Kongresine , 35. FİSAE İspanya-Katalunya Kongresine ve 36.FİSAE Vologda – Rusya, 37.FİSAE Prag  Exlibris uluslararası kongrelerine katıldı. 2015 – 2016 da ” Germany Interculturel art instaIIation and presention of small – scale Images “Almanya’da, Türkiye’den jüri üyeliğine seçildi. 2018 2.Ulusal Ekslibris Kongresi’nde jüri üyesi oldu. 2019’da Ayşen Erte” gravüResim” Atölyesi ile uluslararası çağdaş küçük baskıresim ve ekslibris sergisini Türkiye’den bir ilk olarak Tokyo Japonya’da açtı. Exlibris 2020 Fınland uluslararası yarışmasında “Certificate on Honour” aldı. 2021 Bangladeş / Dakka’dan “Onur Ödülü”ne layık görüldü ve Türkiye’den Art29’a jüri olarak davet edildi.2021 “Yunus Emre” Uluslararası Exlibris Yarışmasında Onur Sertifikası aldı. 2022 Almanya, Book Project “Fairytale Art for Mozart” kitap projesinde mansiyon aldı. Halen İstanbul’da “gravüResim”atölyesinde çalışmakta ve eğitim seminerleri vermektedir.
2016 “Miniprint International Parana”, Arjantin, Sergileme 2016 “XI. International Competition for Ex-libris”, “Ex Libris – Gliwice 2016” Polonya, Sergilenme 2016 “2nd International Exlibris Competition”, Varna, Bulgaristan, Sergilenme 2016 “World Wide Art, Color and Meditation”da, 50 Ülkeden Seçilen 9 Kişilik Jüri Üyeliğine Seçildi 2016 World Wide Art, Color and Meditation – 2015 – 2016 in Germany Intercultural Art Installation and Presentation of Small – Scale Images, Sergilenme 2015 Brest Print Triennal, “World and War”, Sergilenme 2015 World Wide Art, Color and Meditation – 2015 – 2016 in Germany Intercultural Art Installation and Presentation of Small – Scale Images, Sergilenme 2014 İstanbul Exlibris Derneği, I. Ulusal Exlibris Kongresi’ne Katılım ve Sergilenme 2014 35. FISAE Katalonya – İspanya Uluslararası Kongresi’ne Katılım 2014 I. Uluslararası Varna 2014 Exl. Yarışması, Sergilenme 2014 Çin – The 8th. Shanghai Fu Xian Zhai Exl. Society Derneği Yarışması, Sergilenme 2013 T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Tarafından Koordine Edilen Londra Kitap Fuarı’nda Sergilenme 2013 Çin – The 7th. Shanghai Fu Xian Zhai Exl. Society Derneği Yarışması, Sergilenme ve Excellent Prize 2012 Çin – Guangzhou II. Uluslararası Exlibris ve Mini-Prints Bienal Sergisi 2012 34. FISAE Naantali – Finlandiya Uluslararası Kongresine Katılım ve Sergilenme 2011 Çin – Shanghai Fu Xian Zhai Exl. Society Derneği’nin 2011 “San Min Cup” Yarışmasında Sergilenme 2011 Çin – Guangzhou I. Uluslararası Exlibris ve Mini-Prints Bienal Sergisi 2010 33. FISAE İstanbul Uluslararası Exlibris Kongre Sergisi 2010 I. Uluslararası Exlibris Yarışması, Kuzey Kıbrıs, (Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Grafica Versus Grafica 2010 Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Etkinliği Çerçevesinde) 2010 III. Uluslararası Exlibris Bienali “Tuna Nehri” konulu sergileme, Sırbistan Pançevo 2009 1st. Uluslararası Mini Print ve Exlibris Bienal Sergisi “The Belovezhskaya Pushcha” Belarus 2008 I.Uluslararası Baskıresim Bienali – İstanbul Sergileme (Işık Üniversitesi ve İstanbul Grafik Sanatlar Müzesi) 2008 32. Çin Uluslararası Exlibris Bienali Sergisi 2007 2. Uluslararası Exlibris Yarışması Sergisi 2007 2. Uluslararası Özgün Baskı Sergisi, Tophane-i Amire, Sergileme 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Sergileri, Aki Ton Gallery, Ohita prefecture. 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Sergileri, Hiroko Mori & Stays Museum, Hokkaido prefecture. 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Sergileri, Nakagawa town gallery, Tokushima prefecture. 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Sergileri, Picture Books Museum of Oshima town, Toyoma prefecture. 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Sergileri, Monobe Village Gallery, Kochi prefecture. 1999 BIB`99 Slovakya Uluslararası Sergileme 1994 55. Devlet Resim, Heykel, Özgün Baskı Sergisi 1988 Tasarı Giyim, tasarım yarışmasında mansiyon 1983 Ege Seramik desen tasarımı, başarı belgesi ve mansiyon 1982 Karaoğlu desen tasarımı 1976 Vakko desen tasarımı, mansiyon 1975 Tekel şarap etiketi, mansiyon 1975 PTT anma pulları (Dede Korkut Masalları) mansiyon 1974 TMMOB’nin düzenlediği konut sömürüsü açık anlatım fotoğraf yarışması mansiyon 1973 İfsak “sokaklar” konulu fotoğraf yarış. mansiyon


She was graduated from the Istanbul State Academy of Fine Arts in 1976. She worked as a freelance graphic designer in various advertising agencies until 1988 and also designed and illustrated books for children. She founded Aysen Erte “gravüResim” atelier in 2001. She held 28 solo exhibitions in Turkey, 65 abroad exhibitions and participated many group exhibitions.  She was selected for the 1999 Biennal of Illustrations Bratislava, for  the 2000 Bratislava World Illustrations combined with  5 exhibitions  in Tokyo – Otaru.  She has won 11 honorable mention awards and  one excellent prize in Ju Qi Cup the 1.International Prints and Exl. Expo in Shangai. She and her atelier participated with its artists 50 group, 13 Anatolia, 45 abroad competitive exhibitions. She was selected to the list of Contemporary International “ 24 Women Artists in the World of Exlibris” and her works have been published in the book of “Contemporary Internatıonal   Ex – Libris Artists” from (Volume 17) series.  19 artists who have been participating her studio, which is named Ayşen Erte “gravüResim” studio and all their exlibrises have been represented and published by Artur Mota Miranda’s book ‘International Contemporary Artists in the World of Exlibris’. She participated Book Fair at the London 2013 and also participated with her atelier group artists 34.Fısae Congress Naantali – Finland, 35.Fisae Congress Tarragone – Spain, 36.Fisae Congress Vologda – Russia, 37.Fisae Congress Prague. 2015 and 2016 she was selected as a member of jury from Turkey in Germany  Intercultural  Art Installation and Presention of Small – Scale Images. 2018, she was a member of jury for the international exhibition and competition of Istanbul  Exlibris Foundation. She has opened the fırst exhibition of exlibris from Turkey in Japan –Tokio 2019. She has won “Certificate on Honour” at the international exhibition and competition : Exlibris 2020 Finland. Her engravings were exhibited at the on – line exhibition in Madrid /Spain 2020 “month of the engraving” Museo de Arte. 2021 in Kirov/Russia for 3 months in 3 separate places, her engravings were exhibited at the international exhibition. She has won “certificate on honour” from Bangladesh / Dakka. She was chosen for the judgement on the online Art and Crafts Festival and Competition 2021 organized  by Art’29 (2021). Her works have been exhibited in many museums, biennals, and collections around the world, such as Japan Kushimato –Oshima Turkısh Museum , Sint- Niklaas Stedelijk  Ex –Libris Museum Belgium, Erciyes University,  Istanbul Exlibris Museum, Imoga IstanbuI Museum of Graphic Arts. She is a member of the Istanbul Ex-libris Society,  Association of Istanbul Exlibris Academy and Original Printmaking Artists Association. She continues working in her “gravüResim” studio. 2021 she has been chosen for the certificate on honour  of International ‘Yunus Emre’ Ekslibris Exhibition. 2022 at the book Project “Fairytale Art for Mozart “she has been chosen for honorable mention.
Awards   2016 “Miniprint International Parana”, Argentina, Exhibition 2016 “XI. International Competition for Ex-libris”, “Ex Libris – Gliwice 2016”, Poland, Exhibition 2016 “2nd International Exlibris Competition”, Varna, Bulgaria, Exhibition 2016 “World Wide Art, Color and Meditation”, Selected to Jury 2016 World Wide Art, Color and Meditation – 2015 – 2016 in Germany Intercultural Art Installation and Presentation of Small – Scale Images 2015 Brest Print Triennal, “World and War”, Exhibition 2015 World Wide Art, Color and Meditation – 2015 – 2016 in Germany Intercultural Art Installation and Presentation of Small – Scale Images 2014 Istanbul Exlibris Association, I. National Exlibris Congress, Participation and Exhibition 2014 35. FISAE Catalonia – Spain International Congress, Participation 2014 1st. International Varna 2014 Exl. Contest, Exhibition 2014 China – The 8th. Shanghai Fu Xian Zhai Exl. Society Association Contest, Exhibition 2013 Exhibition, London Book Fair 2013 China – The 7th. Shanghai Fu Xian Zhai Exl. Society Association Contest, Exhibition and Excellent Prize 2012 China – Guangzhou The 2nd International Exlibris and Mini-Prints Biennale Exhibition-Exlibris 2012 34. FISAE Naantali – Finland International Congress, Participation and Exhibition 2011 China – Shanghai Fu Xian Zhai Exl. Society Association, “San Min Cup” exhibition 2011 China – Guangzhou The 1th International Exlibris and Mini-Prints Biennale Exhibition-Exlibris 2010 33th. FISAE İstanbul International Exlibris Congress Exhibition 2010 1st. International Exlibres Contest, North Cyprus, (East Mediterranean Sea Universty Grafica Versus Grafica 2010 International Art and Designment Activity) 2010 III.th International Exlibris Biennial, ”Danube River” , Serbian Pançevo 2009 1st. International Mini Print and Exlibris Biennial Exhibition “The Belovezhskaya Pushcha” Belarus 2008 1st International Printpainting Biennial – Istanbul, Worth to be exhibited (Işık University and Istanbul Museum of Graphic Arts) 2008 32th China İnternational Exlibris Biennial Exhibition 2007 2nd International Exlibris Competition Exhibition 2007 2nd Int. Original Print Exh., Tophane-i Amire, Worth to be exhibited 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Exhibitions, Aki Ton Gallery, Ohita prefecture. 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Exhibitions, Hiroko Mori & Stays Museum, Hokkaido prefecture. 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Exhibitions, Nakagawa town gallery, Tokushima prefecture. 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Exhibitions, Picture Books Museum of Oshima town, Toyoma prefecture. 2000 BWI. Otaru – Tokyo Exhibitions, Monobe Village Gallery, Kochi prefecture. 1999 BIB`99 Slovakia International Exhibition 1994 55th State Painting, Sculpture, Original Print Exh. 1988 Tasarı Giyim, Mansion award in designing comp. 1983 Mansion award in Ege Seramik pattern designing 1982 Karaoğlu pattern designing 1976 Mansion award in Vakko pattern designing 1975 Mansion award for Tekel wine etiquettes 1975 Mansion award in PTT stamps. (Dede Korkut Tales) 1974 Mansion award in TMMOB photograp. competition 1973 Mansion award in İfsak photography competition

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